Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Notes on OATS

"Fiber" in diet is a mantra these days for healthy heart. You find fibre pills, fibrous vegetables more than ever before. Oats is top on the list when you think of fibre for breakfast. Here are some details I collected about OATS.

If you don't like it as a breakfast item, there are alternatives. Read further to get tips on oats.

Amazingly, the processing of oats does not take away anything as in the case of other grains.

The finer the grain, the faster it will leave you hungry. Of course, the larger or thicker it is, the longer it will take to cook. But then, we do know that a slow-cooked dish is tastier by far, don't we?


Oats offer an unbeatable number of health benefits: seven B vitamins, Vitamin E, and nine minerals, including calcium and iron. Oats have twice the amount of protein as wheat and corn, including essential amino acids-good for growth, maintenance and repair of the body. Importantly, a high level of soluble fibre is found in oats and this helps keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check, thereby protecting you against cardio-vascular diseases.

Soluble fibres also act as bottle brushes in the intestines, cleansing them of toxins and food debris. Its complex carbohydrates (sugar from them is released slowly in the blood stream) are good for diabetics, weight and health-watchers alike. Oats also have GLA (gamma linoleic acid), known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Ways with Oats :

1. Breakfast Cereal - Sweet or Salted. Steamed first. A
dd milk or curd, honey and nut.

Since they have been steamed for processing, they can even be eaten 'raw'. Just roast slightly for flavour and add gomasio (a healthy salt), or drizzle with cheese and pepper.

3. Add to cakes, cookies, shortcrust pastry, breads, pancakes, soups and dosas.

4. Oats Upma - Quaker is best. Delicious Oats Upma Recipe here at Saffron Trail.

I buy quaker oats.
I have compiled this post from various sources including preventionindia and several culinary blogs. You can add to the details :-)...

Wishes from me for a healthy heart and happy life.

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